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Sleep Schools- Good or bad?


Updated: Apr 23, 2023

I’m not sure if this is still a controversial topic, but it certainly was a few years ago, when a lot of my girlfriends had babies and toddlers.

At the time, when my friends discussed their babies sleep concerns, I didn't have a lot to contribute to the conversations. It was really tough watching my friends crumbling with lack of sleep and anxiousness about what the night would entail. To be honest though, even without a baby of my own, I had the same opinion then, as I do now.

What a bad night with a baby can look like?

Whether your child is giving you false starts, split nights (my babes, personal fav), early wake ups or unsettled nights, it can be completely debilitating. I know this now and I knew this then as I watched my defeated friends.

The utter feeling of fear as you put your baby to bed, wondering if they are going to wake 40 minutes later, is terrifying!

One minute they are the sweetest angel on the planet and the next minute your are freaking out, not knowing what else you can try, or how much you have left in the tank.

Why some people don't like sleep schools or consultants? Based on things I have read and conversations I have been privy too, I think it comes down to one reason and one reason only. Many people are still of the belief that the number one strategy used by these professionals is the "cry it out" method. This is certainly not the method used by the folks I follow, you only have to follow a bunch of different consultants on Instagram to see what is being promoted.

How can a sleep consultant help me?

Why would anyone take this road alone, especially when there are trained experts out there to make this time in your life, even 5% better.

I say anything as long as it falls inline with your parenting approach, is worth a go.

So my tips for exploring sleeps schools or consultants are as follows;

  • Put you first, if you are struggling get help! Do not worry what anyone around you thinks or is doing!

  • Find someone that aligns with your personal parenting philosophy (super important)

  • Reach out- a lot of them offer a free, no obligation chat

And finally.....

Guess what?

You are human, and humans need sleep! Do what you need to do to keep up this mumma shit! It can be bloody tough!

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