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5 Tips for improving readability

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

What exactly is readability?

Readability refers to how easy it is for your audience to "READ" the text. Sounds so simple, hey? The why do so many of get this wrong! It can be the "thing" that makes all your hard work come undone or on the other hand made it a joy to read, Whether you are accidently using the same words over and over and need to make regular use of synonyms, orrrrrr you need to ditch the long paragraphs for some shorter, punchier ones. There are very simple changes that you can make today!

Whether you are a blog writer, making newsletters, writing your centre QIP, creating catalogues, making posters or writing an e-book these tips will help you!
We have collated our top 5 tips to include when creating your text!

Our 5 tips

1.Make sure there is white space! White space is simply the "empty space" you are looking at whilst reading this document. When there are no gaps and no white space can be seen, the reader can become overwhelmed, loose their place in the document and overall the text will appear messy. An overcrowded document can easily frustrate the reader.

2. Use graphics that are relevant to the text, this helps the reader to predict and retain the nature of the text. Whether you are posting a question as we have in the graphic above, you may like to use simple photos or graphics to support your article. Graphics are more than just a gap filler they are the reason we start or continue to read text, whether we realise it or not

3.Use clear headings to provide an idea of what the text is about.

4. Use sub headings to divide the content to break up the text, this provides the reader with a rest.

4. Use sentences suitable to your audience, you do not want your audience requiring a dictionary on hand

5.The structure of your text is important, ensure there is an obvious beginning, middle and end.

Our final thoughts;

Purposeful content will always be obvious to the reader.

Lastly, and I have to admit that I am terrified to type this, because oh the irony......

Spelling mistakes aren't cool! Do your best and proof read your work, twice!

early years content writers / educational content / content writers Melbourne / Childcare content writers / Online content writers / articles for children / childcare website writers / content for bloggers

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