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Frequently asked questions

If the question you are wanting to ask is not in the list below. Please send us a message here. 


I have sent you an email enquiry, how long until we can get started?


We will endeavour to respond asap, from there we will set up a zoom virtual coffee, unpack your goals and get started staright away, 


We have just received out A & R letter, how quickly can we lock in a workshop?


Send me an email today and we can work out a time that suits!! How exciting


Why does my business need to have blogs?


There is no alternative to having a blog. A blog is the best way to tell your readers exactly who you are, it showcases your skill set and even more it is the secret to showing up on google. 


We are looking at creating a professional development calendar. Can you assist with this?


Absolutely, I can create a plan with you and get all your dates locked in well in advance

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